Congratulations on being human
Congratulations on being human is a new icelandic play based on Sigga Soffía´s poetry book, which she wrote undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer in the middle of a pandemic. The play is about resistance, endurance and a society of woman supporting each other. It also focuses on the importance of relying on others to survive, on spiritual and physical durability and the cliches that keep coming back to us: That which doesn´t kill you, only makes you stronger. But first and foremost it is about seeing the beautiful in strenous circumstances.
I lived in a 5square meter space in my head
With every meditation the space expanded
In every moment fuelled by chemicals I fled
Into the softness of my mind where I built houses and palaces
Later I could deconstruct my world and rearrange the puzzles
My mind is no longer a defined space
It is nature untouched, a meadow, a singing snipe,
dramatic mountains and rivers,
a bustling sea and calm springs
Artistic directors
Níelsdætur í samstarfi við Þjóðleikhúsið.
Verkefnið er styrkt af Reykjavíkurborg og Menningarráðuneytinu úr Sviðslistasjóði og Launasjóði sviðslistafólks.