Nina Wetzel hannar leikmynd og búninga fyrir Mayenburg-þríleikinn í Þjóðleikhúsinu, Ellen B., Ex og Egal. Hún er einn eftirsóttasti leikmynda- og búningahöfundurinn á meginlandi Evrópu um þessar mundir. Hún hefur starfað með leikstjórum í fremstu röð og unnið fyrir virt leikhús, óperuhús og leiklistarhátíðir víða um lönd. Hún vann um árabil með leikstjóranum Christoph Schlingensief að verkefnum af ólíku tagi. Hún er einn af nánustu samverkamönnum Thomasar Ostermeier við Schaubühne-leikhúsið í Þýskalandi og hefur jafnframt unnið að ýmsum uppsetningum ásamt Marius von Mayenburg og leikstjóratvíeykinu Dead Centre – Bush Moukarzel og Ben Kidd.
Nina Wetzel fæddist í Þýskalandi árið 1969. Hún nam leikmynda- og búningahönnun í París. Frá árinu 1995 hefur hún gert leikmynd og búninga fyrir fjölda verkefna, meðal annars við Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Münchner Kammerspiele, Residenztheater München, Maxim Gorki Theater, Burgtheater Wien, Schaubühne Berlin, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Wiener Festwochen, Avignon-leiklistarhátíðina, Óperuhúsið í Dijon og Comédie-Française.
Nina Wetzel og leikstjórinn Christoph Schlingensief unnu náið saman á árunum 1996-2000. Hún skapaði innsetningar og uppákomur, og hannaði leikmyndir og búninga fyrir m.a. 48 Stunden Überleben (Documenta X), Hotel Prora og Chance 2000 (Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz), Ausländer raus (Wiener Festwochen) og Former West (HKW).
Meðal verkefna hennar hjá Schaubühne eru Das Leben des Vernon Subutex 1 eftir Virginie Despentes, Hamlet eftir William Shakespeare, Im Herzen der Gewalt og Qui a tué mon père eftir Édouard Louis, Rückkehr nach Reims eftir Didier Eribon, Italienische Nacht eftir Ödön von Horváth, Dämonen eftir Lars Norén, Die Ehe der Maria Braun eftir Fassbinder í leikstjórn Thomasar Ostermeier, Much Ado About Nothing eftir Shakespeare í leikstjórn Mariusar von Mayenburg og Stück Plastik, Peng, Perplex og Nachtland eftir Marius von Mayenburg í leikstjórn höfundar.
Hún hannaði meðal annars leikmynd og búninga fyrir Twelfth Night og King Lear eftir William Shakespeare í leikstjórn Thomasar Ostermeier hjá Comédie-Française. Hún hannaði leikmynd og búninga fyrir leiksýningar Dead Centre – Bush Moukarzel og Ben Kidd, Die Traumdeutung, byggt á verki Sigmunds Freud, og Alles, was der Fall ist, byggt á verki Wittgensteins, hjá Burgtheater í Vínarborg og Bählamms Fest eftir Olga Neuwirth og Elfriede Jelinek hjá sviðslistahátíðinni Ruhrtriennale.
Nina Wetzel designs sets and costumes for the Mayenburg trilogy at the National Theatre, Ellen B., Ex and Egal. She is one of the most sought-after set and costume designers on the European continent at the moment. She has worked with leading directors and worked for prestigious theatres, opera houses and theatre festivals in many countries. She collaborated for years with director Christoph Schlingensief on various projects. She is one of Thomas Ostermeier’s closest collaborators at the Schaubühne Theatre in Germany, and has also worked on productions with Marius von Mayenburg and the director duo Dead Centre – Bush Moukarzel and Ben Kidd.
Nina Wetzel was born in Germany in 1969. She studied set and costume design in Paris. Since 1995 she has made sets and costumes for several projects, including at Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Münchner Kammerspiele, Residenztheater München, Maxim Gorki Theater, Burgtheater Wien, Schaubühne Berlin, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Wiener Festwochen, Avignon Theatre Festival, Dijon Opera House and Comédie-Française.
Nina Wetzel and director Christoph Schlingensief worked closely together between 1996 and 2000. She created installations and events, and designed sets and costumes for, among others, 48 Stunden Überleben (Documenta X), Hotel Prora and Chance 2000 (Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz), 7X Installation (Museum Folkwang), Ausländer raus (Wiener Festwochen) and Former West (HKW).
Her projects at the Schaubühne include Das Leben des Vernon Subutex 1 by Virginie Despentes, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Im Herzen der Gewalt and Qui a tué mon père by Édouard Louis, Rückkehr nach Reims by Didier Eribon, Italienische Nacht by Ödön von Horváth, Dämonen by Lars Norén, Die Ehe der Maria Braun by Fassbinder directed by Thomas Ostermeier, Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, directed by Marius von Mayenburg and Stück Plastik, Peng, Perplex and Nachtland by Marius von Mayenburg, directed by the author.
She designed sets and costumes for Twelfth Night and William Shakespeare’s King Lear, directed by Thomas Ostermeier at the Comédie-Française. She designed sets and costumes for the director duo Dead Centre – Bush Moukarzel and Ben Kidd, Die Traumdeutung, based on the work of Sigmund Freud, and Alles, was der Fall ist, based on Wittgenstein’s work, at Burgtheater in Vienna and Bählamms Fest by Olga Neuwirth and Elfriede Jelinek at the Ruhrtriennale Performing Arts Festival.