Workshops R.E.C.Arts - Vinnusmiðjur

Workshops R.E.C.Arts – Vinnusmiðjur

Open workshops on Saturdays in English

Open workshops on Saturdays in English

Opnar vinnusmiðjur á laugardögum sem fara fram á ensku

Beginning in September, R.E.C Arts Reykjavík will continue to host their free creative & educational community workshops in Kjallarinn. These will be hosted 3 Saturdays per month from 13-16, and open to those ages 18+
These workshops are the heart of R.E.C Arts, and are first and foremost a place for people of minority backgrounds & communities (People of Color, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Immigrant, Refugee, etc) who wish to have their voices heard and share their stories. The workshops are also open to anyone and everyone who would like to respectfully participate. Workshops include storytelling, improvisation, movement, music, act creation, guided discussions and more. They are a place for both professional and aspiring artists to work on their crafts and exchange ideas, and a place for anyone regardless of background who would like to learn something new or need a community.
The space and bathrooms are fully wheelchair accessible. Light snacks & refreshments are provided at every workshop.

Sign up!

Opnunartími miðasölu

Miðasala Þjóðleikhússins er opin virka daga frá kl. 14 – 18 og til kl. 20.00 á sýningarkvöldum. Um helgar er miðasalan opin frá kl 12 – 18 og til kl 20:00 á sýningarkvöldum

Hverfisgata 19, 101 reykjavík
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