House of Revolution

House of Revolution

KAUPA MIÐA 6. apríl

Kynnar/Hosts: Rebecca Hidalgo, Eva Yggdrasil, Chaiwe Sól Drífudóttir

Listamenn/Featured Performers: Rosemary Atieno (óperu/opera), Luis Lucas (dans/dance), House of Heels (dans/dance), Sindri “Sparkle” Freyr (uppistand og ljóðaflutningur /stand-up and poetry), Elham Fakouri (tónlist/music), Gógó Starr (drag), Uldis Uzols & Hjördís Anna Haraldsdóttir (VV- Visual Vernacular), Vala & Stína Reynisdætur (söngvarar/ singers), Bára Halldórsdóttir (gjörning/ performance piece), Ruby LaQueen (burlesque), Cheryl Kara Ang (píanóundirleikari/ piano accompanist)

Táknmálstúlkun (Sign Language interpretation): Adda Rut Jónsdóttir & Margrét Auður Jóhannesdóttir frá Hraðar Hendur Tánkmálskúlkar

Curated by Rebecca Hidalgo, Eva Yggdrasil & Chaiwe Sól Drífudóttir

Sýningastjóri/Stage Manager: GóGó Starr Aðstoðarsýningastjóri/ Assistant Stage Managers: Íris Péturs, Berglind Sig Ljósmyndarar/Photographers: Magdalena Lukasiak & Eva Ágústa Aradóttir Other Production Staff from R.E.C Arts: Isaac Rodríguez, Luca Forte, Sigur Huldar, Gúðrún Marta Jónsdóttir, Bekka Mirjam

Upplýsingar á íslensku

Listamanna- og aktavistahópurinn R.E.C. Arts Reykjavík kynnir „House of Revolution“, í samvinnu við Þjóðleikhús Íslands. Þessar „gjörningaveislur“ sýna gnægð fjölbreyttra atvinnulistamanna sem búa á Íslandi. Komdu og njóttu sannkallaðs menningakokteils sem endurspeglar hina ótal mörgu, fögru óseðu króka og kima íslensks samfélags. Upplifðu einstakan og fjölbreyttan listaflutning, þar á meðal má nefna: lifandi tónlist, uppistand, dragsýningar, söngleik, slam-ljóð, danshópa, burlesque, spuna, söguflutningakeppni; allt er þetta flutt af listamönnum af minnihlutahópum og samfélögum (fólk af lit, LGBTQIA+, fatlað fólk, innflytjendur, flóttamenn osfrv.)

Information in english

Artist-Activist collective R.E.C. Arts Reykjavík will curate four “Performance Parties” during the theatre season 2023-24, showcasing the abundance of diverse professional artists who call Iceland home. Come and experience a culture shake which holds a mirror up to all the beautiful unseen edges of Icelandic society. Experience one-of-a-kind performances, including but not limited to: live drumming, stand-up comedy, drag performances, musical theatre, slam poetry, dance crews and cultural dances, burlesque, improv, singers & musicians and storytelling; all performed and curated by artists of minority backgrounds and communities. Performances are primarily in English and may include acts in various languages as well. After every show, we keep the vibes alive with a DJ and a dance party!
Variety Shows – Performance Parties Saturdays Oct. 21, Nov. 25, Feb. 10, Apr. 6.

Ticket prices are on a sliding scale for financial accessibility.

Open workshops on Saturdays in English

Opnar vinnusmiðjur á laugardögum sem fara fram á ensku

Beginning in September, R.E.C Arts Reykjavík will continue to host their free creative & educational community workshops in Kjallarinn. These will be hosted 3 Saturdays per month from 13-16, and open to those ages 18+
These workshops are the heart of R.E.C Arts, and are first and foremost a place for people of minority backgrounds & communities (People of Color, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Immigrant, Refugee, etc) who wish to have their voices heard and share their stories. The workshops are also open to anyone and everyone who would like to respectfully participate. Workshops include storytelling, improvisation, movement, music, act creation, guided discussions and more. They are a place for both professional and aspiring artists to work on their crafts and exchange ideas, and a place for anyone regardless of background who would like to learn something new or need a community.
The space and bathrooms are fully wheelchair accessible. Light snacks & refreshments are provided at every workshop.

Sign up!

Opnunartími miðasölu

Miðasala Þjóðleikhússins er opin virka daga frá kl. 14 – 18 og til kl. 20.00 á sýningarkvöldum. Um helgar er miðasalan opin frá kl 11 – 18 og til kl 20:00 á sýningarkvöldum

Hverfisgata 19, 101 reykjavík
Sjá á korti