House of Revolution

House of Revolution

Komdu á sýningu sem dýpkar skilningarvitin af samfélagi og fjölmenningu, þar sem öll tilheyra
2 klst – 2 hlé
4.900 (suggested), 6.500 (higher price)

Show Titles for 2024-25


  • 5 October: “Rooted”

  • 16 November: “Wonderland”

  • 8 February: “Lights On!”

  • 5 April: “And…Seen.”


Tickets are on a sliding scale for financial accessibility. Online sales include two prices: a suggested price and a slightly higher price for those who can and would like to donate to make the show more affordable for others. Fully sliding scale tickets will be available at the door.

Upplýsingar á íslensku

Listamanna- og aktavistahópurinn R.E.C. Arts Reykjavík kynnir annan vetur af „House of Revolution“, í samvinnu við Þjóðleikhús Íslands. Þessar „gjörningaveislur“ sýna gnægð fjölbreyttra atvinnulistafólks sem búa á Íslandi. Komdu og njóttu sannkallaðs menningakokteils sem endurspeglar hina ótal mörgu, fögru óséðu króka og kima íslensks samfélags. Upplifðu einstakan og fjölbreyttan listflutning, þar á meðal má nefna: lifandi tónlist, uppistand, dragsýningar, söngleik, slam-ljóð, danshópa, burlesque, spuna, söguflutning og fleira og fleira; allt er þetta flutt af listfólki af jaðarhópum og samfélögum. Það er engin sýning eins en hver sýning snertir hug og hjörtu, innleiðir samfélag þar sem öll skipta máli. Sýningarnar enda alltaf með danspartý þar sem dj eða hljómsveit mun trylla taktinn. Hlökkum til að sjá þig! Allar sýningar eru túlkaðar á íslensku táknmáli, og með aðgengi fyrir öll. House of Revolution fékk Grímutilnefningu árið 2024 “Hvatningarverðlaun valnefndar fyrir framúrskarandi nýbreytni í sviðslistum.”

English information

Artist-Activist collective R.E.C.Arts Reykjavík is back with their acclaimed high-energy variety shows, “House of Revolution” for a second season at Þjóðleikhúskjallarinn! These “performance parties” showcase the abundance of diverse professional artists who call Iceland home. Come and experience a culture shake which holds a mirror up to all the beautiful unseen edges of Icelandic society. Experience one-of-a-kind performances, including but not limited to: live music, stand-up comedy, drag, slam poetry, dance crews and cultural dances, burlesque, improv, and storytelling; all performed and curated by artists of minority backgrounds and communities. No show is the same, but each show will touch your hearts and minds, instilling a community where everyone matters. Performances are primarily in English and may include acts in various languages as well. After every show, we keep the vibes alive with a DJ or live band and a dance party! All shows are interpreted in Icelandic Sign Language, and with accessibility for all. “House of Revolution” was a Gríman award nominee in 2024, for “The selection committee’s incentive award for outstanding innovation in the performing arts.”

Kynnar/Hosts: Rebecca Hidalgo, Eva Yggdrasil, Chaiwe Sól Drífudóttir

Táknmálstúlkun (Sign Language interpreters): Adda Rut Jónsdóttir & Margrét Auður Jóhannesdóttir frá Hraðar Hendur Tánkmálskúlkar

Each show features a new line-up of exciting performing artists!

Curated by Rebecca Hidalgo, Eva Yggdrasil & Chaiwe Sól Drífudóttir Sýningastjóri/Stage Manager: GóGó Starr



Quotes from audience members

“The future is here!”

“This was something special.”

“R.E.C Arts delivered a beautiful community- celebrating show tonight. I am so happy and grateful for the people doing so much work for visibility in our arts scene. Tonight’s ‘House of Revolution’ showed the diverse and immense talent the arts scene has to offer. “

“Another amazing House of Revolution! Thank you for creating this amazing space. The show brings ‘little me’ so much joy and brings ‘adult me’ education and more laughter than I could imagine!”

Opnunartími miðasölu

Miðasala Þjóðleikhússins er opin virka daga frá kl. 14 – 18 og til kl. 20.00 á sýningarkvöldum. Um helgar er miðasalan opin frá kl 12 – 18 og til kl 20:00 á sýningarkvöldum

Hverfisgata 19, 101 reykjavík
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