Creative workshops for Icelanders

The workshops aim to inspire the Icelandic community with the diverse heritage of the Polish countryside and to create its contemporary, intercultural, interpretation. Acting within theatrical methods, the participants will check what results from the contact of Polish and Icelandic rural cultures, so different due to their historical, geographical and demographic sources. The first part of the workshop will be devoted to the search for common experiences and the exchange of observations on Polish and Icelandic practices described as traditional, folk or rural.

Workshop led by: Joanna Kasperek, Dawid Żłobiński (support – Paweł Sablik)

Workshop project: Agata Kędzia

In the next part of the workshop, selected habits of the Świętokrzyskie village will create a starting point for performative activities, serving the creative processing of the phenomenon of folk rituals. The group will focus on issues related to origin and identity. The workshops will therefore not only be an opportunity to immerse yourself in a theatrical experience, but will also enable the inclusion of questions about the meaning of cultivating customs, the status of magical and religious thinking and its contemporary functions in the Polish-Icelandic dialogue.

Maximum number of participants: 15-20
Conducted in Polish with English translation

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Opnunartími miðasölu

Miðasala Þjóðleikhússins er opin virka daga frá kl. 14 – 18 og til kl. 20.00 á sýningarkvöldum. Um helgar er miðasalan opin frá kl 12 – 18 og til kl 20:00 á sýningarkvöldum. Við bendum á að spjallið á Fésbókarsíðu Þjóðleikhússins er opið virka daga frá kl. 9 og frá kl. 12 um helgar og fram að sýningu.

Hverfisgata 19, 101 reykjavík
Sjá á korti